Insurance & Invisalign: The Basics

For years, people have relied on dental insurance to help cover the cost of braces. Many comprehensive dental insurance plans allow kids and teens 18 and under to complete the treatment at a discounted rate. While it likely won’t cover the full cost of the procedure, insurance brings the hefty multi-thousand dollar price tag down to a reasonable sum. This is a big deal for many parents, as it makes orthodontics much more affordable in the long run.

But, you may ask, what about Invisalign? Braces are one thing, but aren’t Invisalign in a category of their own? Indeed, when it comes to insurance, Invisalign are a little more tricky and a little less clearly defined. Read on as we discuss the basics of paying for these popular clear aligners with insurance.

Before going any further, it’s important to understand that there are many variables that go into determining the price of Invisalign, including the complexity of the case and the length of treatment. This will have a significant impact on the final insurance coverage. Health insurance may pay a fixed percentage of the procedure, but many dental insurance policies tend to cap out between $1,000 and $2,500.

The first thing to do is find out if Invisalign is covered under your current insurance plan. It may fall under the broad umbrella of your health insurance, or it might be included in your dental insurance benefits. Moreover, adult orthodontic care typically requires additional coverage, separate from patients under the age of 18. If you are unsure of what is covered under your various insurance policies, contact your provider directly.

Unlike braces, it’s not uncommon for Invisalign to be considered an elective treatment option. Insurance providers are much less likely to cover cosmetic treatments like Invisalign than traditional metal braces, which may be considered medically necessary. Double-check your policy to confirm that elective or cosmetic dental treatment options are covered. Unfortunately, if Invisalign falls outside the definition of covered treatments and procedures, you may have to pay for it entirely out of pocket.

Here at Noble Orthodontics, we work with our patients to do a thorough review of insurance eligibility. We accept all major dental insurance providers, and you can also apply funds from health savings accounts such as HSA and FSA to cover the cost of your orthodontic care. During your free initial consultation, we’ll go over your insurance plan, benefits, and eligibility with you to ensure complete understanding and transparency. To schedule an appointment or inquire further regarding Invisalign and insurance, contact our offices today!