When you think of going to the orthodontist, images of middle- and high-school kids
with colorful braces might come to mind. Maybe you never had braces growing up, or maybe
your teeth have shifted and you’re unhappy with your smile. As an adult, surely it’s too late to
get braces, right? Wrong! In fact, now more than ever, adults are returning to the orthodontist to
inquire about straightening and correction. If you’re on the fence about it, let us help you out.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of adult braces and why you should consider getting
1. Oral Hygiene. This is the number one reason that adult patients receive a recommendation for
braces or aligners. It’s important to realize that your smile is not just cosmetic. When you brush
and floss, crooked teeth make it much more challenging to clean the inside of your mouth. This
can lead to cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and other oral maladies.
2. Headaches & Tension. Believe it or not, chewing or talking when your teeth are misaligned can
lead to problems in other areas. Severe underbite or overbite can lead to serious issues in the jaw.
Repetitive force can cause tension in your body, which may ultimately lead to frequent
headaches and migraines.
3. Confidence. For many patients, their crooked teeth make it difficult to smile with confidence.
Some people choose to hide their smile from the world for fear of being judged or looked down
only others. Braces can help restore confidence in yourself and your smile.
4. Flexibility. The idea of braces may conjure images of gaudy metal fences strung across your
teeth. The reality is that braces have come a long way in the past few decades. Braces are much
smaller and less intrusive. Adults and kids alike also have more options when it comes to
treatment. For example, lingual braces sit on the inside of the teeth rather than the outside. And
Invisalign are clear, plastic aligners that straighten teeth with far fewer limitations. Invisalign can
even be temporarily removed for minimal interference with daily life and eating habits.
So there you have it. If you’re an adult looking to have your smile adjusted, we invite you
to join us for a free consultation here at Noble Orthodontics. We can discuss potential treatment
options and even get you set up with an easy payment plan. Don’t wait, contact us today to
schedule an appointment!