What To Do if My Invisaligns Are Broken or Need To Be Replaced

Invisalign have several benefits over traditional braces. They’re clear, they’re removable, and they make it much easier to keep your teeth clean. However, one of its headline features may just be its greatest risk. Unlike braces, which are cemented to the teeth, patients are free to remove their Invisalign trays to eat, drink, brush, and floss. We recommend storing them safely inside a case, or else they might get lost or damaged.

But accidents happen. Sometimes, patients need a replacement set of aligners. The good news is that there are typically procedures in place for exactly these types of situations. If you’re unsure of what to do after losing or breaking your retainer trays, read on to learn more.

Before doing anything else, stop and take a deep breath. You may feel stressed or embarrassed, but don’t worry. With millions of patients using Invisalign, surely you aren’t the first person to have something happen to your aligners, nor will you be the last. The best thing is to accept it and move forward.

That being said, time is still of the essence. It’s important to move with a sense of urgency after realizing that your aligner trays are no longer usable. Invisalign have been designed to work on a very precise schedule, and any interruption to the treatment process may allow the teeth to drift.

First things first, you should contact your orthodontist. They’ll be able to recommend a proper course of action based on where you are in your treatment plan. If you have a previous set of trays available, you may use those to keep your teeth in place until a suitable replacement can be acquired. If you’ve already gotten rid of your old trays, don’t panic. You can go a few days without any major setbacks.

This will give you plenty of time to swing by your orthodontist’s office and pick up a new set of Invisalign trays. Some Invisalign plans allow a certain number of replacement trays at no extra cost, but it varies by age. Be sure to check with your orthodontist so that you’re aware of the cost involved if you lose or damage your aligners.

Here at Noble Orthodontics, we provide our Invisalign Teen patients with up to six free replacement aligners. You can rest easy knowing that we’ve got you covered in case of unforeseen accidents. Current patients should contact us in the event of an emergency. New patients can get in touch with our offices to learn more or schedule a free consultation!